In Repsly you can import multiple price lists for your products. You can enter them and manage them in Repsly or you export your price lists, edit them in your file and import them back to Repsly.
To enter a new price list in Repsly, go to the Repsly Web application and do the following:
1. Click on the Gear Icon, located in the upper right-hand corner, and select settings. Select Pricelists
3. Click to create a new price list or to import it
4. If you choose New pricelist, your new list will open and you should name the list and mark it as active.
If you choose to import your pricelist, please use our sample file and make sure you add all mandatory columns to your file.
5. If you clicked on New pricelist and didn't choose to import your price list, but only created and named the list in Repsly, the next step is to click on Products on the list to set up your products and prices on your price list. To do that click on the import products button. To do that click on Products on pricelist.
6. When you click on Import products, you'll see our import page, from which you can import your price list with all its associated products or copy and paste it into Repsly.
Click on VIEW SAMPLE to see how your price list should look. Then, you can download the sample data and use that file as your template.
7. Once you import your price list, you can enter it again to review it. From there, you can import more products, view and edit the existing ones by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, or export your price list.
If you choose to edit your products in Repsly, ensure that all fields are marked with the needed values and that the product is active.