From the Projects list, there is a new column called “On job board” that will show the percentage of visits on the job board compared to total number of visits.
If a project has not been published to the job board, this column will have a dash “—”
If a project has been published to the job board but ended, this column will show 0% over 0/X (where X is the number of project visits).
If a project has been published to the job board but has no visits, this column will show as 0% over “—”.
You can also filter the Projects list by “On job board.”
If you click on a project, you can tell that it has been published to the job board if the “Job Board” tab shows the number of jobs in parentheses, including 0. If it is not published on the job board, it will just say “Job board” without a number.
A project that is published on job board:
A project that is not published on the job board: