Starting or scheduling a job for later will claim the job and remove it from the job board. Here is how a rep can claim a visit:
Clicking on a job from Project details or a Place’s Jobs tab will open Visit Details, where they will see the full information for the job (expected pay, materials required, tasks, etc.).
If the job can be done right away, they will see a “Check in” button to instantly claim the job and start the visit.
If the job is for a later date or the rep can’t do it right away, they can “Schedule” the visit for later.
If the rep doesn’t have edit rights or the manager sets a specific date and time, “Schedule” will add the visit to the rep’s schedule as is.
If the rep has edit rights and the visit has a flexible time frame, “Schedule” will open the visit scheduler, which looks the same as Edit visit or Creates visit, with a few differences:
A disclaimer to help explain they agree to complete the visit
Date options will be limited to the project time frame.
Duration is non-editable.
The visit will now be on the rep’s schedule and can be completed as a regularly scheduled visit, but with additional project information included.