If a project has a pay set and “Pay is visible to reps” is enabled, reps can see potential pay on the Visit Details, Place’s Jobs tab, and Project Details.
This will include a combination of possible pay info:
Pay Rate Type - Hourly Project Rate, Hourly Representative Rate, Flat Amount, Flat Duration, None
Pay Rate - Shown for Hourly Project Rate and Flat Amount (otherwise assumed to be whatever the rep has negotiated as a rate).
Bonus Type - Hourly, Flat, None. Only available for Hourly Representative Rate or Flat Duration.
Bonus Rate - Amount added to the Rep’s hourly rate or the total visit compensation.
Maximum Paid Duration - Only available for Hourly Projects or Hourly Representative Rate and must be greater than or equal to the visit duration.
Setting pay on a project:
Showing various pay combinations on the Place Jobs tab:
On the Map view, they’ll see a badge with a sum of total potential pay on a place based on jobs available there:
If there’s no pay rate to show (pay rate type is None, Rep Hourly or Flat Duration or pay is not visible to reps), the badge indicates the number of available jobs there the rep qualifies for
If pay rate type is flat, the badge shows the pay rate rounded to the nearest integer
If pay rate type is hourly, the badge shows the expected pay based on pay rate, duration, and max paid duration
If there are multiple jobs in a place, the badge offers the sum of all expected pay