If you want to assign your places to Territories you can do it in bulk using the Places tab. If you are using tags for your places, you can first filter them by a certain tag and then you will get all the places associated with that tag. Then you just have to select these places and assign them to a specific Territory.
1. Select the Places tab and then click on the places you want to assign to a specific territory. You can choose all by checking the "Select all" box or you can choose which places to select. You can also filter the places first as illustrated in the picture below on the right, i.e. filter them based on their "Status".
At the bottom of your screen a new pop-up window will appear, and there click on Edit.
2. Click on the Territory, and then select to which territory you want to assign selected places.
Once you're done, click on the Apply changes.
How to Bulk Assign Territories to Places in Excel
If you have multiple places that need to be assigned to a Territory, Repsly allows you to import this data using an excel spreadsheet, but also to export your file, make changes and import it again. Just follow these steps:
1. Export a list of your places to an excel spreadsheet.
2. On your spreadsheet, add a column and label the column Territory.
3. For each place that needs a specific Territory, add the Territory name (located in Settings under Territories) in the corresponding column (Territory).
4. Import the updated list back into Repsly and your places list will now be updated.
Below is an example of how the spreadsheet should look like.
If you have created a Territory hierarchy, we have a guide on how to import the hierarchy on this link: How to import places with territories
Your places (stores/accounts) will be assigned to territories, which you can use to better organize your data. You can also Assign representatives to Territories, so you can keep your team better focused on their most important initiatives.