In our places import page you can see a sample on the right that shows you the proper way your file needs to be formatted, but in this article, we go more into detail to help you create and import your file as soon as possible and leave you more time to use our app for adding value to your business.
Naming your columns
When you create your file, the first thing you need to do is to name the columns properly. For places import, you should apply the following naming rules.
The columns/column names should be ID, Name, Active, Street Address, City, ZIP, ZIP ext, State, Country, Country code.
The ID and Name (place name) are mandatory fields and your list cannot be imported without them.
The following are not mandatory: Representative ID, Representative name, Territory, Phone, Mobile, Email, Website, Contact name, Contact Title, Note, Tag, Status, Gps latitude, Gps longitude
In the image below you will see a sample of what the columns should look like:
Please be sure to give each of your places a unique Place ID - it can be any combination of numbers and/or letters. The ID is one of the mandatory fields for importing of your lists and is a unique identifier of your place or product. No two Places can have the same ID, even if one of these places is inactive.
You cannot export your places, change their ID's and import the list back to Repsly - this will create duplicate places and when that's done the places cannot be merged. The IDs can only be changed directly in Repsly, one by one. That is why we highly recommend if you want to have specific IDs, please think ahead about the principle because once you import your file you cannot change them in bulk.
In our import page on the right, you will see More info where you can click to view a sample of how your file should look like and you can download a sample data as well.
Filling out your list with your client information
When you name your columns you can fill out your list with your place information. One other column that you have to be careful in filling out is the Active column. If you want your places to be active, you have to put in TRUE and if you want to deactivate a place, you put in FALSE.
If you need to deactivate your places in bulk, in the Active column replace all TRUE values with FALSE and import the file again to Repsly as described further in our guide. In the image below you will see a sample of how this file should look like:
Once you're done with your file, please use these steps to import your list: How to Import Place Lists into Repsly?
Mapping the columns in Repsly
When you click on import you will have to map the columns in Repsly. Please click on EDIT and then on OK if the column name is already a match, if it's not, choose the right name from the drop-down menu.
Below is how this step looks:
The system can automatically recognize some columns but that is not always the case so please double-check it and map your columns accordingly by selecting from the drop-down menu the accurate column name before clicking the import button.
New import of places will allow users to import places with assigned territories as before but will also enable them to create whole hierarchies. We have newly introduced an intermediate step during import with all information about imported data (how many places will be created or updated, how many territories, possible issues, etc.)
If your list is not properly formatted and there are errors that could cause issues with place visibility on the mobile app, you will get a message similar to our example below.
When your import is complete, you will receive an email with the report when the import is finished.
Custom fields
If you have created Custom fields in Repsly your columns in your import file need to have the exact same names as the custom fields in Repsly to be mapped properly.
If you already have custom fields and need to update them, you need to export your places in Tabular view and your custom fields will be exported as well.
Import of geo-coordinates
It is also possible to import geo-coordinates of your places. You can update your current place list by exporting it and in the columns: Gps latitude and Gps longitude, enter the correct values, and import your file back to Repsly. When the list is imported, all places will be updated with new geocoordinates, and all places should be accurately positioned/pinned on the map.
Please note that placing your accounts on the map is an overnight procedure and when you import your places they won't be visible on the map right after the import, but the following day they should all be on the map. If the pins still won't appear please check your list for missing address fields as City, State, Country, Zip, or incomplete Street address.
Product import
Our rules for the product import are almost the same as for the place import. In our products import page, you can see a sample on the right that shows you the proper way your file needs to be formatted
The columns/column names should be:
- ID (*)
- Name (*)
- Product group ID
- Product group
- Unit price
- Active
- Note
- Tag.
As with our places import, please be sure to give each of your products a unique ID - it can be any combination of numbers and/or letters. The ID is one of the mandatory fields for importing of your lists and is a unique identifier of your place or product.
When you name your columns, you can fill out your list with your product information. One other column that you have to be careful in filling out is the Active column. If you want your product to be active, you have to put in TRUE, and if you want to deactivate a product you put in FALSE.
In the image below you will see a sample of how this file should look like:
When you click on the import you will have to map the columns in Repsly, please click on EDIT and then on OK if the column is already a match Below is how this step looks:
How to import places with territories
Our improved import of places will allow users to import places with assigned territories as before but will also enable them to create whole hierarchies.
With our territory hierarchies:
- Places can be assigned only to the lowest level territories (leaves) in a hierarchy.
- Back office users can be assigned to any level in the hierarchy
- Reps and back-office users can be assigned to multiple territories
In the photo below we illustrate how to import places with territories:
As in the image above, the right format to enter the territories in your file is the following: Europe>Croatia>Karlovačka>Karlovac
The last segment in the chain is the leaf territory, the territory the place gets assigned to.
After you import your file, the procedure is the same as usual, meaning that you have to map your columns and click on import again.
After importing you will see a window with a message of what will be imported/updated. The new additions to your existing hierarchy will appear in bold. If these are not the changes you want you can still Cancel the process in this step. If all looks good you can proceed by clicking on Confirm.
If your list is not properly formatted and there are errors that could cause issues with place visibility on the mobile app, you will get a message similar to our example below.