Release Date: October 1, 2021
- iOS App 5.20.99
- Android App 5.15.0
- Portal
What's new
We have made some improvements to our Representative tab. We have listened to your feedback and add one more option called Custom Representative Attributes.
Custom Representative Attributes
Rep attributes are unique skills or details you want to associate with specific team members, such as language, role, payscale, t-shirt size, etc. By creating a database of skills or attributes, you can drill down to find the right person for every job and make more detailed reports based on skill, role, or attribute.
We have implemented the button for the Single sign-on option, which is still in the testing phase and will be released in the near future.
iOS App
- Implemented button for SSO
Android App
- Android deploy for SSO MVP.
- Implementing feature that will give users the option to select view: grouped or individual
- Implemented button for SSO
- Upload photos report fix, sending photos via messenger fix
- Add filters button, Show inactive forms
- Last check-in in places export - saving last check-in info
- The actual download of the last check-in info
- Implemented button for SSO
- Fix for the shared link not working on Gallery view
- Fixing comma on Latitude and Longitude export