If you have your team in Repsly that is working in areas with different time zone and they have the option enabled to see each other's activities, it can be confusing to determine what activities were done at which time when looking from the mobile app.
The purpose of this article is to explain how our mobile app is translating activities in different time zones.
Our app is synced with the time zone set on your device, but if your co-worker has a different time zone set on their device he/she will still see their activities translated into their time zone. On the web app, however, is synced the time zone picked up from the device.
The activity that your team posts will be reflected in your device in their time, but when they post something new, it will not appear on top of your screen but will follow their timeline and be placed in the activities feed below to sync with their timeline.
The activities are prioritizing by the actual time they have been submitted so if it's now 12 PM on your device and your college makes something at 10 AM their time, that activity will not be shown on top but will fall down to the activities made around that time because the activities made in your time will be prioritized.
Basically, the app is taking the logic of the number order and not adjusting to the time zone order.
The time when you created the activity is taken into account so it's logical that 1 comes before 1:30 and 2:30. Your app will place these events as they happen in chronological order, taking the numbers into account 1 comes before 2, 2 before 3 and so on.