Release Date: June 17, 2020
Application(s) updated: iOS mobile application iOS 5.9.31, Android mobile application v5.11.90
What's new
In the past weeks, we have added a new feature to include a running clock of time in-store to show the check-in duration in the mobile app, we have introduced multiple selections in Forms and we have fixed all known errors to ensure optimal app performance.
Multiple selection question type in Forms
This much-desired forms extension enables the rep to pick multiple answers for one form question.
For example, if the form question is: “What section of the store are we sold in?” … the representatives will be able to select more than one option (e.g. Deli section, Dry shelf)
For our customers that use Reporting, you can see below how you can report on the question with multiple selections and how that question looks like in your Form reports or your custom dashboard.
Running clock of time in-store
Repsly will now record how long a representative was at a visit for. All they need to do is check-in, and then the "running clock" starts.
Updates & Fixes:
Hiding missed visits for those reps that were inactive in time of the scheduled visit