Release Date: November 15, 2019
Application(s) updated: Mobile Applications Android v5.7.10 and iOS v5.8.05
What's new
We have released new orders adding multiple new features for our Orders subscribers. Our new features include uploading photos for products, creating different sales documents besides orders like Returns and we have introduced a new and easier pricelist management.
In the past week, we have also fixed all known errors to ensure optimal app performance.
Uploading photos for Products
The images can be uploaded from the product profile individually or as links entered in your product list.
Below is an example of how your file should look like. The best approach is to export your existing product list and edit it with the new information.
Below is how it looks like on the mobile app
Creating custom document types
In the example below, we have created a Return sales document and below first you can set your Document attributes and choose to Allow unavailable products and Display product prices.
You can also choose to set your Document statuses for example if you need the information when the order was taken, when it was processed or anything else relevant for your business.
The next option you have for your document is to set Item attributes what gives you different options to group your documents together.
In this example below, we have set an attribute Reasons for return and listed the possible options your field team can choose from.
You can also choose to set these attributes as mandatory for your team.
Below is how it looks like on the mobile app
New pricelist management
With our new feature, you can enter price lists, manage them in Repsly and export your price-lists, edit them in your file and import them back to Repsly.
Updates & Fixes:
Retail audit editing details bug
Click on workday comment from notification screen crash fix
Mileage end day with less mileage than start
[Representative rankings] Places visited shown as 0 if rep doesn't have any activity at place
[Place visits] Checkout time missing
[New representative] BOU with territory restriction can create rep without territory
[Trial expired] Start subscription button not working on Trial expired page
[BOU] Not displaying the active checkbox for new BOU until saved
Store photo to camera roll