Release Date: November 5, 2019
Application(s) updated: Mobile Applications Android v5.6.21 and iOS v5.7.20
What's new
We added the option to store photos taken with the Repsly mobile app to the mobile app gallery and updated our APIs. In the past week, we have also fixed all known errors to ensure optimal app performance.
Storing photos to the device gallery
Representatives can now enable or disable the automatic storing of their photos to their phone gallery.
If that setting is enabled, the photos will be stored in the device phone gallery in a folder named Repsly
This setting is located in the Settings tab under Photos.
Updates & Fixes:
Retail audit search bug
Show quantity of a package on product details
When cancelling order feed was not refreshed
Plus/Minus quantity picker on orders fix
Web API updated (APIv3):
Added new fields to the Export purchase orders endpoint - information about the place address of the order:
- StreetAddress
- ZIPExt
- City
- State
- Country
- CountryCode