Release Date: September 6, 2019
Application(s) updated: Web and Mobile Applications, Android v5.3.0 and iOS v5.1.20.
What's new
In the past weeks, we have fixed all known errors to ensure optimal app performance.
Updates & Fixes:
Closing app on forgot password back click
Fix for barcode giving two same results
Prevent editing note on unavailable place
Setting request language for place details
Fix unsent photo count
Location not existing on Android
If a visit is in progress changing password ends visit
Fix of add new place alert restriction
[Places map] Swiping map to the right side opens Menu
[T&M] Time does not reflect real values. Reset data seems to annulate the values but new values are added atop of original values
[Photos] Download photo button not working
[Bulk delete photo] After deletion confirmation popup is still visible and you can click Delete button
[Places] Filtering by Additional attributes not working on the list of Places
[Activities] Scoreboard not showing real values when is filtered by "parent" territory
Login page won't load on IE browser
[Places][Territory rankings] Filter by current status, place tag and additional attributes not working
[Import pricelists][Frontend] Date format is not sent into the ImportService
[Web][Custom attributes] Short and Long text fields have the same character limit
[Representatives][Rankings] List of reps isn't filtered when you set territory as a filter (No representatives found")
[Super user][Choose company] Super user BOU cannot choose a company after setting the password
[Schedule] User cannot delete recurring schedules
[Scoreboard feed] Places visits show 0 results when filtered by territory
[Photo gallery] Editing tags on photos when territory filter ON leads to error
[Places] Updating existing Places via import removes value from "Status" field
[Photos] In the exported folder are not all photos which need to be downloaded
[Activation email] Activation email for new Representative or new BOU account is not sent out
[System Health] System health button not working
[Places] Place price lists and Save is doubled.
[Dropdown button] "Arrow" button on Products, Forms and Custom Attributes not working