Release Date: May 31, 2019
Application(s) updated: Android v5.0.10 and iOS v5.0.0 mobile applications
What's new
In our latest mobile app updates, we have enabled reps to login with their email and password (domain login is still available) and have added a Quick check-in feature from places list via swipe gesture (only on Android for now).
Mobile app login via e-mail and password
Representatives can now choose if they want to log in via Company ID, Username, and Password or select login via e-mail and use their e-mail and password. The mobile app will remember the prefered login method for the next time the user chooses to login.
Quick check-in feature from places list via swipe gesture
In our new Android version, representatives can check-in to a place using the Quick check-in feature from places list via swipe gesture.
Updates & Fixes:
(Android) Rep login via email
(Android) Check in from place list
(iOS) Rep login via email
[Photos] When adding a new tag and going back the keyboard doesn't minimize
[Messaging] Inactive reps are not greyed out on the Manage participants list
[Bad network] Can't log out when the network connectivity is bad