Release Date: April 5, 2019
Application(s) updated: Web and Mobile Applications, Android v4.8.50 and iOS v4.8.50.
What's new
In the web app, account managers can manage new permissions for all Backoffice Users and from now on, by default, deactivated Representatives will be hidden in the Representatives tab.
In the mobile app, we have added more space for Place notes (4K characters) and no limits in the photo description with other performance improvements.
Web app
New back office user permissions
There are four Permission types: Data Administration, Imports, Data Analysis and Manage Organization. Each of them includes additional, more specific permissions to choose from according to your business needs.
Updates & Fixes:
Hiding deactivated reps in the application by default (Introducing the feature to the Representatives tab)
(Android) note 4k on place details
(Android) new info view on images preview
(Android) regional settings
(Android) no date specified dropdown
(iOS) removed switch from date filter
(iOS) Redesigned photo preview screen
(iOS) 3D touch shortcuts when long pressed on the app icon (check in and start chat)