Release Date: March 22, 2019
Application(s) updated: Web and Mobile Applications, Android v4.8.41 and iOS v4.8.40.
What's new
In the web and mobile apps, we have removed clear text password from the rep invitation mail as well as from import and export. The newly created representatives have to set their first password via deep link in the activation mail.
Additionally, we have made other app optimizations and fixed known errors.
Updates & Fixes:
Import of places switched to new import engine (enabling import of territory hierarchy on the places)
Export of places now has the whole territory hierarchy
(Android) Unified login phase I - set password from the email link
(iOS) Unified login phase I - set password from the email link
(iOS) Synchronizer class optimizations
(Web) [T&M] Back office users can't see all the reps in the tabular view of time and mileage on the activities tab if the rep never check in to a place
[Web][Photos] Downloading photos in bulk ignoring applied filter by territory
[Web][Export Schedules] Not possible to export schedules only of one Representative
(iOS) Fixed issue with ending visit from the previous date on app start
(Android) Fixed issue with sending a note as a scheduled task