Release Date: 15/03/18
Application(s) updated: Web and iOS Mobile Application v4.5.22
What’s new?
This week we have released significant improvements to the iOS Mobile application performance over prior versions and new features to the web application’s “My Segments” tool.
Apps Released:
iOS Mobile App v4.5.22: Users will experience much faster synchronization and a more responsive user interface when navigating the application. For reference, customers with Representatives with a large number of “Places” (i.e. 100,000) will be able to perform their synchronization 4x faster. As an added benefit, the reduced synchronization time will also help to minimize battery consumption.
As mentioned above, this initial login process will take significantly shorter than in our previous version what will remarkably improve your Repsly experience.
In addition, we have added a progress bar to the splash screen. It will show you the progress of your synchronization. Once the bar is filled you will be automatically transferred to the Activities screen.
Added a sync progress bar to the splash screen.
Updates & Fixes:
- [Update] Optimization of network request time (3x improvement per request).
- [Update] Reduced the number of network requests (5x fewer requests).
- [Update] Optimization of database inserts (20x faster per insert).
- [Update] Remove inactive places from the mobile database on daily basis.
- [Fixed UI] When sending an e-mail from iPad, the send button was sometimes not visible for specific screen sizes.
- [Fix] Other minor bug fixes.
Web Application: release contains an extension of the filters for the “My Segments” tool as well as a number of minor bug fixes. The “My Segments” filters now include the ability to filter by answers to specific questions on specific forms. For example, if you had a question on a form that identified if there was a void or out-of-stock event, you could segment to pull up a list of all places this occurred. These filters will work with all existing filters like the date field, so you can bring up just those that occurred last week (as an example). Another example of how this works, you can build a segment that shows all Category A C-Stores are currently sold but haven't received an order with 3 filters:
- In the form “Food Service Visits” answer to the question “Are we currently sold in this account?” is “YES”.
- In the form “Food Service Visits” answer to the question “Did you receive an order?” is “NO”.
- And the “Place” contains the tag “C Store – Category A”.
- Added selection of form, specific question, and response to the "My Segments" filters.
Updates & Fixes:
- [Fixed] Late alert sent even though rep visited a place before scheduled time.
- [Fixed] Time of a visit lasting more than one minute sometimes not showing in the activity feed.