Release Date: April 2023
- iOS App 6.5.55
- Android App 5.18.60
- Portal
What's new
Improved rep reporting and activity management with remote check-in
Reps often perform work beyond in-store visits (sales calls, administrative work, training, etc.). The Remote Check-In option allows reps to have the ability to easily log off-site work while enabling a manager to have more detailed reporting insights when viewing field team activity.
Provide more informed decision-making for reps based on visit history
Reps can more effectively track their activities and seamlessly differentiate time spent for on-site and off-site activities.
Identifying visit type can streamline internal reporting processes
Segmenting reporting criteria based on visit type can help inform compensation, among other reporting items.
Check the link below for more information
Photo Gallery
The Photo Gallery has been moved as a submenu item under Activities.
- The only update in the existing functionality of the Photo Gallery includes allowing users to filter by multiple photo tags at once
- Photo Gallery will no longer be an option when accessing the Feed view..
iOS App
Places Map View: I should be able to see the list of places in the bottom sheet with the ability to search
As a rep, I want to see completed (Done) Any Time visits as their completed time in the day schedules
When searching products by name, the app automatically adds them to the cart
The List of Products is not fully loaded
In Sales documents filtering by product tag didn't work
As a rep adding new places from the map, I should be able to see the Google Nearby places on the map and the bottom sheet list
Android App
As a rep, I want to be able to “remote check in“ to a scheduled visit
As a rep, I want to see Any Time visits sorted by schedule created date
Missing info "Items audited" on Retail Audit preview for Retail Audit submitted from Android
When adding a new place address, the street number appears after the street name; the city field is not automatically populated
When you update fetched location automatically, the place is added without GPS
The discrepancy between the feed and exported file
Recurring visits are not on the same day on Android as they are on iOS and Web
Adding a new place and checking in is recorded as remote check-in
The deleted visit is visible on the list on the schedule until you refresh the Schedule screen
Long descriptions in forms causing that is not possible to scroll through the form (cut-off questions)
Switch from AND logic to OR logic for tag filtering (place & photo)
- Made on the web portal
Update text in Daily Summary Report email
As an admin, I want to select a list of users to export
As a manager, I need to see and update my profile on the Web
As an admin, I should be able to turn on/off sharing of the Form Report in the application settings
Create email templates for Places that download successful and failed emails
The Photo and Place tags setting defining operator is not working
When opening a form, autofill does not enter previously submitted answers
Animation of the route is not complete
On some orders, there are four extra decimals
Newly added places are not visible under "New places" as an activity
"End time" is not showing on the feed
Admin restricted to certain territories can delete the schedules of all reps from the company
Editing project visits and setting the new visit date to the project end date throws an error