The Place ID is a unique identifier of your Place in Repsly and one of the mandatory fields for importing if you choose to import your places in bulk. Please be sure to give each of your places a unique ID - it can be any combination of numbers and/or letters.
You cannot change Place IDs in bulk. You cannot export your places, change their ID's and import the list back to Repsly - this will create duplicate places. The IDs can only be changed directly in Repsly, place by place. That is why we highly recommend if you want to have specific IDs, please think ahead about the principle you want to name them after because once you import your file you cannot change them in bulk, only one by one, in Repsly. Look at the instructions below on how to do that.
1. Click the Places tab and open the Place which place ID you want to edit.
2. Go through and edit the ID field. After you are done with editing, click Save.
Once these steps have been completed the Place ID information will be changed and saved within the Place's profile.