Repsly allows the representatives to capture signatures in the field through the e-signature function. This creates a proof of purchase or a proof of job completion for your clients to have.
Below is a step-by-step process for adding the electronic signature to the forms filled out by your representatives.
Electronic Signatures
1. Click on the Gear icon and then click on Settings. Click on the Application Settings.
2. Find the Electronic Signature tab and check the desired areas for which you wish to have electronic signatures. Make sure to click Save button
There is no further action required on your side - you don't have to add anything in your Forms so once the changes have been made on the web app the Add signature will become visible to the reps at the bottom of their Forms and/or Orders when they perform pull down to refresh on their apps.
These actions will enable the electronic signature function in the Repsly Mobile App. This will allow the reps to capture signatures from their clients, making it possible to have a proof of purchase or service form.