Repsly allows you to customize which places and reps can have access to what particular forms.
Forms will be visible in the Repsly Mobile app in any matching places and by any matching reps. You can limit visibility to places with specific tags and specific reps by name. This cuts down on confusion and thus makes your reps more efficient in the field.
How to assign a Form tag
1. Click on the Forms Tab and choose the Form you would like to assign.
2. Use the menu bar and select Visibility Settings. This action will lead you to a new screen where you can adjust and manage visibility settings.
To associate a form with a specific place, choose a tag that is assigned to that place. This action syncs the form with places that share the same tag. In essence, a place and a form need to have a common tag for this process to be effective.
3. In order to assign Forms to reps, enter the names of the reps you want to grant access to the form. Once you have assigned tags or reps to forms, be sure to save the assignments.
By assigning place tags to forms, you will limit access to that form. By tagging your forms with place tags, reps will only see a list of forms that they need to fill out at a particular place - they will not see any additional forms.
By assigning rep's names to forms you make it possible for your reps only to fill out forms that are part of their specific place visits. This helps create a structure for teams that have different jobs while in the field.