The Forms feature within Repsly allows management to create documents that can be filled out by the representatives in the field, allowing for real-time data collection.
Some of the key features of the forms are:
- An unlimited number of forms can be created
- Forms can have an unlimited number of questions.
- Forms can contain photos and/or electronic signatures
- Forms offer six different types of answer possibilities: text, long text, numeric, yes/no, photo, and selection
To Create a Form
1. Click on the New Form button.
2. Fill out all the required data: title and at least one question.
3. Add questions to your form and define whether the answer will be mandatory and which type of data the answers will contain.
Question Types include:
Short Text - This brings up your rep's keyboard and allows them to type in an answer.
Long Text - This allows them to enter in a longer answer rather than a simple one-liner.
Numeric - This brings up the number pad for your reps, allowing them to add a numeric value.
Yes/No - This gives them the option to only answer yes or no to the question
Selection - This allows managers to create answers from which the reps will select when answering this particular question type from the field.
Single Photo - This allows reps to take a picture using their camera through the Repsly Mobile App.
Multiple photos- This allows reps to take multiple photos in one Question using their camera
Date, Section Header, Barcode and Product can also be used to help form a question
Based on the answer that a rep provides you can do a logic setup and jump them to another set of questions so they can answer them accordingly.
4. When you make a question, you can also choose "conditional action" so that a response to that question leads to another set of follow-up questions. For example, If a rep responds with "Yes" to a question that you posted, another series of questions may pop up to further evaluate their response.
This means that in a form that branches, additional questions/form fields appear only if they apply to a given situation.
If the questions don't apply, a Rep can answer a different set of questions (option: Add Group for this answer/Go to Group X) or skip that set of questions altogether (option: Do Nothing).
Example 1:
Question 1: Are new competitors present since your last visit?
Answer: a) Yes
Answer: b) No
If the answer is a) Yes, a conditional group of questions will appear for the representative to fill out, as pictured below.
5. Check the Mandatory Box if you want to make the question required (the user will not be able to submit the form without answering the question).
6. At the end of a form as you can see from the picture below you can also Create an alert for your form based on certain answers to form question. Once the answer set up in the alert matches the desired criteria you will get an alert on your email.
7. In the end, make sure that the form is marked as active and then click Save.
Ability for Reps to Edit Historic Records of Submitted Forms
Admins need to give permission for Reps to edit submitted forms from the past. This way, Admins can control who can make changes to older entries. By enabling edits without locking previous records, Admins gain the flexibility to optimize their templates without compromise.
Once permissions are set, Reps can easily update past submissions, making it simple to keep records clear and workflows running smoothly.
1. Click the Settings icon and choose Application Settings from the menu.
2. Navigate to the Representatives section.
3. Check the box for Allow Reps to Edit Forms to enable this feature.
After completing all of the steps above, the form that was just created should appear for you in the Forms tab.