Using the Places tab you can filter places and perform actions in bulk.
When it comes to filtering your places, you can choose from many different attributes and these are:
- Territory
- Activity completion
- Days since the last check-in
- Status
- Place tags
- Assigned rep
- Place name
- Place address
- Place ID
- Forms
- Additional Attributes
You can filter ALL the places or only the ACTIVE ones.
1. Choose Places on the left side of your screen
2. You can always narrow your search further by clicking on Add filter button
2. In our case, we selected the Days since the last check-in filter, set it to less than (we could choose among less than, more than, and never checked in options) and as the numeric value in the last textbox, we wrote down 15.
After we click on Apply on the left side, the search will populate the results that meet the criteria we just set. Therefore, our search will list all the places that haven't been visited, i.e., checked into for less than 15 days. In our case, there were 3 places that have been visited in the past two weeks, as you can see below.
3. Once you have filtered your places you can perform the following actions on them by clicking on Edit:
- Assign a rep
- Export
- Set active/inactive
- Assign a Pricelist
- Assign a Territory
- Change Status
- Set Place Tags
This was an example of filtering places by the Days since last check in criteria, but as you can see there are many other filters and combinations to choose from. Once you filter your Places to get the ones that meet your criteria you can easily perform many different actions on them.