Release Date: April 30, 2024
- iOS App 6.6.90
- Android App 6.1.0
- Portal
- Advanced Reporting
What's new
We're excited to announce a new option designed to streamline your form management experience: drag-and-drop functionality. Even though the sidebar currently displays only root-level questions, this new capability allows you to effortlessly rearrange questions within the sidebar, offering greater flexibility and efficiency in managing long forms.
With Drag and Drop, you can now easily reorder questions to better suit your workflow and organizational preferences. Whether you're resequencing questions for clarity, grouping related inquiries together, or simply organizing your form more intuitively, this feature empowers you to tailor your form structure with ease.
iOS App
- Using the rapid scan function won’t add the product to the cart with the default quantity.
- When scanning a barcode with a built-in barcode scanner, the camera won't focus.
- The representative can't find a newly created place in the place list after submitting an activity in the same place.
- The place is added to 0,0 coordinates if you select Use current location
- Checking into a newly created place will present the rep with an error “out of range. “
Android App
- Single product category
- Items on the feed open incorrect pop-ups if the new Shelfscan activity is a part of the visit
- Autofill in retail audits is filling data for deleted fields
- The branched question will be out of order if the rep leaves the form in draft
- Update web login for unified users
- Moving files and folders from one folder to another with ease.
- When importing users, there is no message Displaying the first 50 records
- Hide inactive forms setting is not reflected inside the Photo Gallery Forms filter
- Exporting New places from the activity feed will only export the first 5000 records
- Can't open a pricelist import page in some cases if the the pricelist title contains '/'
- Users can add multiple tasks with the same value
- Using the back button to exit the form, the same form will open when the user clicks on any other form.