One frequently asked question is why you can't delete places, representatives, forms, or products permanently from Repsly.
In Repsly, deleting places, reps, forms, or products is done by making them inactive.
Being inactive in Repsly is just as good as being deleted.
Inactive places are not visible anywhere in the app, neither in the Places tab nor the filters, but if you wish to see them for any reason, you can do so in the Places tab by selecting "Show inactive places."
We also have a detailed guide on how to import places successfully and products and what to watch out for to avoid as many mistakes as possible in creating wrong places/products or duplicates: Best practices for importing.
You can also deactivate Forms and hide inactive forms from the web by enabling that feature in the Settings ->Application Settings under Forms. You will see the option to "Hide inactive forms in web app". If turned on, inactive forms will not be visible in filters, lists, and reports to you and other back-office users of the web app.
Inactive reps can be hidden from all places in the Repsly web app, including the Representatives tab and all the filters. You can hide inactive reps by disabling the setting in the Settings -> Application Settings under Representatives. You will see the option to Show inactive reps in web app. If turned on, inactive reps will be visible in filters and lists to you and other back-office users of the web app.
You cannot delete inactive places, forms, or representatives because they are linked to all past data made by reps on places; using forms and deleting any of these would also permanently delete all the associated data. This is how the architecture of our software works, which is why it cannot be changed.
Making these places, reps, or forms inactive, however, gives you the option to keep all your past data forever in your account without having to see unwanted Places or Forms still as active in your account.