Reps should check in at the beginning of their visit and then log any activities that they need to complete. The Backoffice Manager will then be able to see how long a rep spends at each visit, as well as the activities that they complete while they are there.
How to Check In to a Place on the Mobile App
1. Open the My Places tab. Select the place you want to visit from the Places list.
2. Click on the check-in button.
3. You are now checked in. Next to the checkout button, you can see the time you are checked in to that place
Running clock of time in-store
Repsly will also record the duration of a visit. All you need to do is check in, and then the "running clock" starts. Throughout the visit and while performing activities, this label can be seen on the top of the screen, so you can know how much time has passed since you checked into a place. Could you take a look at the picture below to see this newest feature?
Checking in to places allows reps and Managers to track their time at each visit. By checking in, reps can manage their activities at each location. Each activity completed will be logged in real-time in the back office for Managers to view.