Forms are the perfect way for your reps to capture information and data on your clients.
Fill Out and Send Forms
1. From the Places tab, select the place where you want to complete the Form. Click the Check-In Icon to check into that place.
2. Click on Form.
3. Choose the appropriate Form.
4. Fill out all the necessary fields on the form. Press the Submit button.
There is a design difference in how the forms look based on the fact if they were submitted as out of a store or as an in-store activity.
An out-of-store activity means that a rep has not visited a place and just submitted a Form without checking in to that place. Because of that, above the submitted form there's a message 'Out of Store'.
A Form submitted during a visit to a Place looks like a box as all store activities.
The form will be sent to the Backoffice and be available for the Manager to see.