The Activities tab shows all the field activities your team has completed in an easy-to-access news-feed format. The feed is organized chronologically, with the newest activities listed at the top of the feed.
You can easily filter this data if you would like to view specific past activities.
To View Past Activities
To access the past activities, please use the following steps:
1. Click on the Activities tab and then click on the Filter icon to select filters to narrow down your data.
2. In your filter you can choose anything you like. For example filter by Notes submitted this year. After you choose the filters click on Apply filters
3. After applying filters you will get your results and see the filters you used in the Activities feed
You can filter your activities by type, and if you're using Forms, Audits, and Sales documents you can click on the drop-down arrows next to them to narrow down to the specific Form, Audit, or Sales document you need.