To assign a price list to your Sales document types in Repsly, go to the Repsly Web application and do the following:
1. Click on the Gear Icon, located in the upper right-hand corner and select Sales documents. Click on the Sales Document type you want to assign your Price list(s) to
2. In the following example, we will assign multiple Price lists to our Return document type.
To do that, open the document type and scroll to the bottom of the page until you see Price lists available on the sales document. Then click on the Choose price lists button.
3. Once you click on Choose price lists you can select the ones you need for that document.
4. When you click on Save you will see that your document has been tagged with the chooses price lists.
5. If all looks good, scroll back to the top of the page and click on the green Save button to confirm your changes.